Join me for three yoga workshops to end the year with a boost to your yoga practice. In these workshop style classes, we will break down the three major challenges to yoga practitioners…back bending postures, arm balances, and inversions.
Friday December 29-All three workshops for $79…or $29 each
8am to 11am Back Bending Workshop-Learning to live from the heart
Many of us find back-bends challenging both physically and mentally. In this workshop we will explore the balance between the effort and ease in back bending. We will learn to lengthen the front side of the body, upper-back, and hips in order to free the spine, while strengthening and working from the legs and the core to create stability in the poses.
12noon-3pm Arm Balance Workshop-Yes You Can!
This workshop will focus on basic to challenging arm balance poses: Crow Pose, Side crow & more. Six popular (and accessible!) arm balances will be broken down and taught. Be ready to be challenged but not intimidated. Everybody can do this at their own level. At Yoga Assets, we strive to “Make it a YES for everyone” This workshop will be an open forum for trying new things, reviewing old ones, and refining arm balance poses that remain a challenge for you.
4-7pm Inversions Workshop
Inversions can bring a sense of growth and progress in your yoga practice. Inversions are also incredibly uplifting to your mood. Yet, they can be daunting and knowing how to get in to these poses can seem like a mystery. In this workshop you’ll discover everything you need to know to turn your practice upside down. You will be given the tools and perhaps confidence to take these practices back to your mat and into your (upside down) life.
All three workshops include…
- Q&A session
- Receive hands-on adjustments
- Gain individual input on specific issues, challenges or injuries you’re facing in your yoga practice