A busy Mother of littles. An empty-nester/entrepreneur. A retired octogenarian. My baby sister is turning 40. I am (almost) 60. And Mama Val just turned 80. We just spent a week in Hawaii, celebrating BIG birthdays, and discussing life. I came home so inspired by these two women, and wanted to share a few nuggets of our collective life wisdom to with you.
Life Lessons at 40
I have definitely learned a lot in my 40 years on earth, but more than anything else, I’ve learned that I’m just learning as I go and I’ve got a lot to learn. I am learning that the days are long and the years go by so fast. I’m learning that raising 3 humans to be good citizens feels impossible most days, but it’s also the most rewarding thing in my life…it’s exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time. I’m learning that empathy is powerful, that patience is a lifelong practice, and kids deserve a mom who can give both. I’m learning that apologies go a long way and I can never be above giving one.
I’m learning to prioritize my own health and hope that one day rubs off on my family. I’m learning that exercise not only keeps me healthy, but it brings me joy and confidence. I’m learning that there are times that life doesn’t seem fair and I don’t understand why things happen, but in those times, I’m learning that my faith brings me peace and gets me through. I’m learning that life is short and I’m trying to appreciate it more by living in the moment. I’m learning that I don’t have all the answers and that’s okay…because searching for those answers sure makes life exciting! ~Tiffany Pincock
Life Lessons at 60
In my (almost) 60 years on this little blue and green ball, I have learned that life is long. Too long to be unhappy. Each day is a miracle, a new gift full of possibility. I have learned to see difficulties as nothing more than teachers. The most difficult people in my life have helped me learn the most rewarding lesson…forgiveness. I have learned to get rid of anything that isn’t useful. Clutter weighs us down in so many ways. Get rid of stuff, as well as resentments, guilt, old ideas, toxic thinking, and toxic people. Fill the space you created with that which brings you joy. Buy yourself flowers. Have at least one furry friend. Say yes! And say no. Learn to say “I don’t know” because we really don’t. Exercise every day. Hug often. Spend as much time as you can on a beach. And for sure, have a daily yoga practice. ~Denise Druce
Life Lessons at 80
One of the major things I’ve learned in my life is to have a positive attitude. Our attitude on everything we encounter, whether it’s good or bad is what makes for a happy or an unhappy life. I feel I’ve been able to overcome many things in my life that could’ve caused me to be bitter and unhappy but I was blessed with parents who taught me the importance of “a glass half full vs a glass half empty”. We can choose which way to look at each day with gratitude and a positive attitude or complain about how unfair life is. I like to take the time at the end of each day to say a prayer of gratitude for the blessings God has given me that day and every day. I keep a gratitude journal that has helped me keep those things alive.
I realize every day how very fast time flies when I look at my children as they become parents and then grandparents. I’ve been blessed with an exceptionally wonderful posterity. I look back at mistakes I’ve made which I can’t take back but the things I’ve done that may have contributed in part to their learning how loved they are, how to love and how precious to our Father in Heaven they are. A huge part of my ability to keep a positive outlook is that I have 5 children encouraging me, supporting, urging me on and loving me. How quickly 80 years have come and gone. I love life and especially the blessings of a wonderful family. ~ Mama Val Tillack
Three beautiful women – inside and out. I love you all an appreciate your wisdom.
Thanks Uncle Glen! Love you.
3 peas in a pod!🙌🧜🏻♀️🧜🏻♀️🧜🏻♀️
Hawaii 2021🌸❤️
Missing you Mama Cindy!!
I soak in every moment I get to spend with each of you, because they are so few and far between. I love you all and love this post! Such wisdom and beauty. Thank you for posting this Denise.
Thank you Sheri. The only thing missing is YOU. We need to do another girls trip!