“Help publicly. Help privately. Help in your actions by recycling and conserving and protecting, but help also in your attitude. Help make sense where sense has gone missing. Help bring reason and respect to discourse and debate. Help science to solve and faith to soothe. Help law bring justice, until justice is commonplace. Help and you will abolish apathy-the void that is so quickly filled by ignorance and evil.”
~Tom Hanks
I love this quote, because everywhere we look today, it seems that sense has gone missing. The events of the day, and the noise around this election season, instead of firing people up to be a stand for something great, seems to be making us more and more apathetic. And I agree with Tom, that leaves a void for ignorance and evil.
This year, I have a son who will vote for the first time. And it has given me a renewed interest in our very flawed and very broken political system. The issues, from local to global are issues we cannot afford to ignore. I am committed to stay in the conversation, and to bring as many of you with me as I can.
I have joined a non-partisan organization called CTZNWELL. They are uniting and mobilizing the wellness community to #voteWELL. With 50+ million people engaged in lifestyles of health, sustainability and spiritual practice, we are fueling a market of personal wellness, organic foods and sustainable products that exceeds 300 billion dollars in the US. We have an opportunity, and an obligation to be informed, to care and to vote. If you read no further, please go to this link and pledge to vote this year.
If you’re in Utah, consider joining me at a debate watching party on September 26, and/or a yoga class I;ll be teaching with the one-and-only Dana Baptiste on October 5 to raise awareness and commitment to “vote your yoga”. Message me for more details.
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