Lucky. Blessed. Fortunate. Grateful. Relieved. Alive. Thriving. Guilty. All of these words
describe how I feel today. A lot of people get cancer. Not all of them walk away from it with a few scars, some stories and new-but-slightly-askew breasts. Many don’t walk away at all. In the 96 days since I was diagnosed, I have met so many amazing people who have shared their stories with me. Today, I met a woman who lost her 9 year old child to cancer. Dear God. Why am I here, now, like this? I can only say Thank You.
Another thing that I am though, is aware. Highly aware of how precious life is. I am more aware of how beautiful my messy and noisy life is. I am aware that the sound of my 10 year old son’s voice is changing. I am aware that the sunsets have been glorious this week. I am more aware of the suffering of the people around me. I am more aware of the gift that each healthy day is. My friends, if you are enjoying good health today, you are lucky and blessed and fortunate. I hope you can be aware of that without going through all the rest.
The last two lines of Mary Oliver’s poem The Summer Day read. “Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
I plan to be aware. I promise to be aware. How about you?
This post was so inspirational! I am so happy you are in good health. I needed to read this today! Thank you
Brittany Blanch
I was unAWARE of your diagnoses. I am amazed at your courage and positive attitude that you carry. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the awareness but if you one day can’t find it look to your loved ones to pick you up and carry you back! 🙂
It was a touching post.