I just finished an amazing, and challenging 40 Day program by Baron Baptiste. The book is “40 Days To Personal Revolution”. I got an autographed copy of the book a few years ago when I took a workshop from Baron. He issued the challenge to each of us in attendance to do the 40 day program, saying it would revolutionalize our lives. Well, since I was pregnant at the time with my third son, I told myself I would use this program as a way to get myself back in fighting shape post-baby. And that brings us now. That baby just turned three, THREE!!! and I decided I couldn’t put it off any longer. I jumped in and began on Van’s birthday.
The program includes a daily personal yoga practice, starting with 20 minutes a day, and progressing up to 90 minutes. Along with that, some clean eating, a 3-day fruit fast, journaling, and twice-daily meditation time. I love this about the program: it forced me to do my own yoga, unlike what I do when I teach classes. I can’t explain the feeling of doing Sun Salutations on my own beautiful hardwood floor, in a quiet house (doesn’t happen much) and actually seeing the sun rise out my window. Every day should start that way. On other days when I got to the yoga later, I had to share my mat with one, and sometimes two of my kids. “Mommy’s a slippery slide” kinda takes the Ujaii breath out of you but laughing has to be just as good, right?
I felt a shift at right around the 30 day mark. I was ready to be finished. And the program was amping up. I stuck it out, but it became increasingly difficult to fit it all in, and on those last few days, I can honestly say I was more frustrated than revolutionalized. Baron does advise to cut way back on regular fitness activities during this program but that really wasn’t an option for me. I teach. So, now I understand first hand why my Evolution weight loss program works best as a 30 day program. That seems to be our human attention span, and it is enough time to really see the results of your efforts.
’40 Days’ is a great “jump start” program for anyone wanting to change their body or just incorporate yoga into their fitness routine. If you’re thinking about doing the program, I have three suggestions.
1. Try and pick a time when you don’t have a lot of other things on your plate such as travel, a new baby, etc.
2. From week 5 on, the yoga practice is plenty of exercise for one day. Don’t try to add it to your other workouts.
3. Keep an open mind, do the journaling exercises and let me know how you do!
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