It All Started with Jane
On May 1, 1981 I pulled on my spandex and leg warmers and taught my first aerobics class. With only a Jane Fonda video under my elastic belt, and a cassette tape in the boom box, I led three women through a bunch of jumping around to the beat. I was hooked. 40 years later I’m so grateful to still be teaching. To be healthy enough to still be helping people smile through their sweat. I have pretty much seen it all…every fad and fitness fallacy as they rise and disappear. I have enough stories from the gyms and studios to fill volumes. Today I am taking a little walk down memory lane, mostly for my own entertainment. But I invite you to come along, especially if you’re curious about how we got to where we are in fitness and wellness.
As a kid, was not very athletic. I was skinny, with feet that were always too big for my body. Still are, but that’s another story. I found a love for dance, and learned that I had a natural sense of rhythm. I was in dance company in high school, but my tumbling and splits game was never strong enough for cheerleading. Another painful chapter for another day. But because I didn’t make cheer squad, I ran for student government. Best move I ever made in hindsight, because that sense of rhythm, and some leadership skills made me the perfect candidate for an emerging career and my destiny…up and coming aerobics instructor.
In 1981, Jane Fonda and her leg warmers were all the rage. I was working as a receptionist at a small women’s health club called “Sophisticated Lady” in Utah. They were struggling financially and were unable to pay their instructors. One Monday morning, the instructor called in and quit, and there were three women who demanded a class. My boss threw me and my side ponytail out there, with a boom box, a cassette tape, and a couple of moves from Jane’s VHS tape. I stepped onto the lime-green shag carpeting between the thigh master machines. Barefoot, shiny tights, leg warmers and a stretchy belt. I pushed play and we started jumping and twisting and ‘feeling the burn’.
Slowly, those three stressed out women started to smile, and then…that magic moment. One of them “wooooed”! Best compliment you can give your fitness instructor by the way is to contribute to the energy in the room with a loud WOOO! At the end of the hour, we were laughing and sweaty, and I made three new friends. I still remember their names. Diane, Ruth and Janene, thank you for helping me find my calling. It started there.
Aerobics Pays for College
That fall I left for college, and already knew I wanted to be in the wellness field. I chose Health Education with a dance minor. I taught aerobics and made enough money to put myself through college. My favorite and pretty much best paying teaching gig to date happened at Utah State University. They let me use a wrestling gym and I charged $1 for a class. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I stood at the door as 80-100 students came in and handed me their dollar. I eventually had to invest in a bigger boom box, which was as big as the back seat of my VW Bug!
Hey Everybody…It’s Time for Rebound Aerobics!
In 1986, I auditioned for, and got the lead in “Rebound Aerobics”, an aerobics video using those cute little mini trampolines. It was hilarious. The company that produced it was WESLO, based in Logan, Utah. I worked for them for 15 years, as they became ICON Health and Fitness. During those years, I traveled all over the world, working trade shows, selling products on HSN, and spreading the gospel of fitness. I was on the development team for which was the leader in what is now on demand workouts. At one point, I led a workout for a Vogue Magazine writer who was in her home in France!
Hey Let’s Open a Gym!
In 1989, I was teaching classes at a great little gym in SLC, and got wind that they were struggling financially. Yes, there is a theme here. Fitness is a tough biz. There was a space right down the street that a gym had just moved out of, so in my niavetè, I said ‘that sounds like fun’, and opened Anatomy Academy. Eight fantastic instructors came with me, and on opening day, we had 200 members show up! I couldn’t afford office furniture, so for 6 months, my desk was two giant camping coolers stacked on each other.
Step is Born
That year, we went to a fitness convention where this amazing woman, Gin Miller was presenting. She was a fitness instructor who had knee surgery, and her doctor had told her to step up and down on her stairs to re-hab her knee. That was boring, so she had a box built, and step aerobics was born. To be in that ballroom, as they unloaded hundreds of wooden boxes, and then to dance with her on those boxes was unbelievable. The ‘woos’ in that class were deafening. We all knew this was going to be BIG. We came home, hired a cabinet maker to build us some boxes, splashed sparkly blue and silver paint on them, and away we went. Over the top! Around the end! Repeater! Fun times indeed.
Corporate Wellness
I started a corporate wellness company before that was even a thing! I called it ‘The Fitness Factor’. I had 20 corporate clients who paid me to roll up in my Suzuki Samurai loaded with fitness testing equipment, and yes, that huge boom box. I was able to hire a team of instructors and we helped stressed out employees shake it up over their lunch hours.
Anatomy Academy in it’s Heyday
In 1991, we moved to the Triad Center and became THE hot spot. Reebok had come along with actual step benches by then, and we hosted an annual STEPtacular outdoors in the amphitheater. ‘Buns of Steel’ Tamilee Webb taught classes for us. Madonna came to our gym when she was in town with Dennis Rodman. And yes, it’s true. I did have to ask them to stop making out on the weight room floor. You know, member complaints. Many celebrities and pro athletes hung out at Anatomy Academy. It was a fun time in the fitness world, I will never forget the friends I made there.
Indoor Cycling
1993 came along with Indoor Cycling and we jumped on that trend. Which by the way is still going strong. I am so happy to see that with all that has come and gone, cycle still serves! We were lifting bars and dumbells to the beat long before Les Mills branded that style.
We were across the street from where the Utah Jazz played, so Karl Malone taught classes for us off season. He would show up and kick our butts, no fans and no water until ‘Karl Malone said so’. That guy was, and still is an icon in sports, and in fitness.
My Knight in Shining Sweatpants
In 1995, I married Michael Druce. Seriously, the best decision I ever made. He is my best cheerleader, idea man, and he literally saved my business by selling off his Karmann Ghia to pay my past taxes. He had been a good friend for 10 years, and a member of the gym. He had a great business mind, and got to work helping me with my lack of business savvy. The Triad Center had become more and more difficult for a small mom and pop business like ours. We had survived a tornado (literally) a bomb threat, a shooter, a huge arts festival that shut us down every summer, Jazz playoffs that made it impossible for our members to get into the gym, and of course competition. In the late 90s, 24-Hour fitness and other chains had come on strong, selling for a fraction of what we needed to charge.
SHE & Company
We now had a 2-year-old and we were becoming responsible adults. In 2000 we sold our baby. Not the 2-year-old, the business. We handed our wonderful members over to the Sports Mall and we took over a women’s gym. We renamed it SHE & Company, and a new era began. We focused on helping women of all ages, and in all seasons of their lives work out in a place that was safe and inviting. Again, so many wonderful memories were made there. I was surrounded by wonderful instructors, trainers, and members. It was all about Girl Power and the experience of women lifting up women.
Yoga Enters My World
It was in 2000 that I took my first yoga training. We hosted a weekend event and I got a comp spot. I had just had a miscarriage, and I was struggling. I thought yoga was just going to be another tool in my fitness toolkit, but I was wrong. It ended up being the one thing that had been missing. I cried through that whole weekend, and knew I was right where I was supposed to be.
Little by little, yoga drew me in. My students started calling my cycle classes ‘cycle church’. I taught less impact and more insight. Less no-pain-no-gain, more listen-to-your-body. I still teach fitness and cycle classes but as my body ages, it loves yoga more and more. And I definitely embrace the mind-body component of all physical exercise.
Oh Yes, and I Did This Little Thing
Between 2000-2003 I snuck in a Masters Degree in Public Health, and during that time had another baby boy.
In 2005, we were now the club that was struggling. It’s a tough biz. We had tried everything. It was a great community with a great mission. But not enough to be profitable. We gave birth to Druce Boy #3 and I remember vividly the dinner conversation when Michael said, “we’re not putting three boys through college with health club revenues”. So we decided to sell. Again, I felt like I was giving away a child. I had grown to love the sisterhood that had formed in that space. My identity (and control freak-ness) was tied to being a gym owner, and calling the shots. Now I was going back full circle to ‘just being an instructor’.
24 Hour Fitness
I called my good friend and all-around amazing human being, Pam Mechling who was director of Group X at 24 Hour Fitness. She hired me over the phone. I went in to workout on my own, and stepped onto a treadmill. The song ‘Lessons Learned’ by Carrie Underwood came through my headphones and as I sweat and looked around my new home gym, I cried it out.
I’m thankful, for every break in my heart
I’m grateful, for every scar
Some pages turned
Some bridges burned
But there were lessons learned
Change again. Goodbyes again. Reinventing myself again. Loss and grief. I felt lost. I had no idea of the joy that was just ahead of me.
The only class available was a Mommy and Me fitness class at the Murray location. I had a little dude so I said YES…put me in coach! The women I met there are still some of my favorite people. We now have teenagers, and I am so grateful for those mornings laughing and sweating together while our little ones sat watching from their little carriers.
I slowly added classes and began to thrive in this new environment. Cycle, Total Body Conditioning, Dirty Friday Boot Camp, and of course, yoga. There was so much energy at our 24 Hour clubs. Huge classes, dedicated members, true friendships. I met my. BFF Juliie Bush there, and for that alone, I will be forever grateful. For 14 years, I grew to love the members and staff at these clubs. I loved the ‘surprise and delight’ of teaching REAL yoga in a gym setting. I got to be the first yoga teacher to so many people who are now dedicated yogis.
Another milestone for me was in a cycle training at 24 Hour Fitness with Master Trainer Doris Thews. She saw something in me, and we connected. She is an incredible “lifter of people” and she lifted me. She made some calls and I was invited to be on the Master Trainer Team for 24 Hour Fitness, and eventually, for Schwinn. Since then, I have had the honor of meeting and training thousands of indoor cycling instructor/rockstars. Schwinn is a top tier company and I am so grateful that I am able to represent them and help instructors #RideRight, the Schwinn way.
A Yoga Trainer…Finally
In 2009 I finally finished my 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. I went through a modular program which allowed me to add pieces to my training as life and kids and money permitted. Nine years and $11 thousand later I was a certified yoga teacher. I became a trainer for YogaFit and again, had the privilege of meeting hundreds of amazing people, helping them along the path I had been on.
I got my 500 Hour certificate, and worked with Yogafit to create a Yoga Teacher Training program at the University of Utah. Those two organizations couldn’t work things out, so eventually, I created my own program, Yoga Assets. I led my first 200 Hour training in January of 2015 and to date, we have graduated over 800 amazing yoga teachers!
Breast Cancer
In April 2015 we had another little surprise. My husband and I sat in a doctors’ office and heard those words…you have cancer. Breast Cancer to be exact. Because I had a history of breast cancer in my family, we made the decision to get radical. I had a double mastectomy in May, and by the grace of God, today I am 6 years cancer free. I had a friend say to me at the beginning of my diagnosis, “you know you chose this don’t you?” My response of course was “the hell I did”. But she was right. My soul knew that the things I learned going through that gave me insights, empathy and an inner wisdom that I could only get from that exact experience. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in hindsight. Cancer taught me to “stand at the soft edge of the hard place”.
Yoga Therapy
I am a “what’s next” person and a lifelong learner, so when the invitation to continue my education and training in yoga came up I jumped in. I did 1000 hours of learning with Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, under the guidance and wisdom of Michael Lee, a man who has deep insights and rich life experience. The 4 year journey to become a Yoga Therapist was as much for me and my personal inner work as it was for the clients I now serve. I learned to teach yoga in a Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive way, and to hold the conditions necessary for creating safe spaces where people can do their own work. I now understand that the best teacher for you is YOU.
Yoga in Prison
The more I worked with these populations, the more I was drawn to taking a mentors’ advice and “go to my wounds”. Seane Corn advises yoga teachers to find their path of service by going back into the places that caused their pain. My Dad spent 15 years in prison. That was one of my darkest times, and once I made this connection, I knew where I needed to be. I sent one email and was invited to teach yoga to inmates at the Utah State Prison. This led to creating a Yoga Teacher Training inside the prison for both women and men, and we are about to graduate the first ever 500 Hour Yoga Teacher who is serving a life sentence. She will go on to becoming a Yoga Trainer for us, and run ongoing trainings ‘on the inside’. I was honored to deliver this TED Talk, sharing her story.
Yoga Forward
In 2017, my BFF Julie Bush and I started a non-profit called Yoga Forward to support these programs. 4 years later, we are running Teacher Training programs for incarcerated people, the BIIPOC community, the LGBTQ+ community, and our stressed out school teachers. We exist to “Take Yoga Where it Isn’t”.
I have had the incredible opportunity to represent Lululemon as a Legacy Ambassador. This company has such a beautiful community outreach philosophy. Together, we have created fabulous outdoor and indoor yoga gatherings that have brought thousands of yogis together in community. Lululemon has been a very generous donor that has given us the opportunity to take yoga into populations that desperately need it.
Virtual Teaching
Early in 2020, as we all went into lockdown, I opened my laptop and started teaching virtual classes, not only for my local students, but quickly to friends from around the country. The technology was a learning curve, but I enjoyed the challenge of again, reinventing myself and learning and creating something new. When 24 Hour closed their Utah doors for good, it was another heartbreak for sure. But also an opportunity.
To date, I have taught hundreds of virtual classes, to thousands of students. I have posted all of them on a YouTube channel, and am being compensated through generous student donations. I do miss the in-person connections, but I absolutely love teaching in this way. I can reach more people, and my students love having the freedom to practice from home, or wherever they are. When one door closes…
In Summary
If you’re still with me, chances are you are my age and you can relate to this walk down memory lane. Or, you’re curious about where it all came from. Here’s the thing I want to end with, what I have really learned in these four decades.
- Fitness is a multi-billion dollar business, and it has been strewn with quick fix BS. Products and potions that don’t work, but that promise easy and fast results. Think Thighmaster, ab belts that shock the fat off, rollers that roll away the cellulite, pills that dissolve the fat, diets that come and go. I have always stood on the fundamentals. Find something you love to do. Move your body every day. Sweat. Drink water. Eat healthy food. You know what that is. It’s not steak and butter.
- We killed a lot of really great modalities by making them too complicated and exclusive. Step was a great exercise modality and so many people loved it. Until instructors got bored, and started doing double, triple and quad step, making it impossible for new students to give it a try. Little by little, step faded.
I see that happening in cycle now. A modality that has helped millions of people achieve their goals, is now veering away from the things that make it effective. Super fast pedal speeds, dumbells on the handle bars, bands from the ceiling, we’re trading effectiveness for entertainment. Just like step.
Yoga too. The more we put goats on our backs, and weights in our hands, the less we get from the actual yoga. Fundamentals. Basics. Less is more.
I am not sure what the future holds, none of us do. But I do know that we’re not going back. My mission, since that first aerobics class back in 1981 has been to make fitness fun, to help people smile through their sweat. To help my students feel the joy of moving their bodies, and to be comfortable in their own skin.
I am committed to waking up every morning until it’s my last, making the world a better place by helping people FEEL better. I thrive on training new yoga teachers who share the same vision; let’s take yoga into all the places where it is not right now. We teach a style of yoga that is inclusive, accessible, we make yoga a YES for EVERY body.
Thank you for taking the time to read these ramblings. Sincere and deep gratitude to every single person that has shared any of these times with me. I cannot sufficiently express my gratitude for those that paved the way, for the students that showed up, and continue to show up. You allow me to do what I love…teach.
If you made it to the end, PLEASE drop a comment and tell me which parts of this timeline brought a smile to your face. I have loved every step, pedal stroke, and yoga pose on the road so far. I have made a living wearing stretchy pants and making people healthier and happier. And I am just getting started. I can’t wait to continue growing and sharing this community with you on the road ahead.
This is awesome! I have enjoyed watching and taking part in eras of your fitness journey! You just keep getting better!
Thank you Deanie! You certainly have been through many of these episodes with me. Still going strong. You need to write something similar about all you have seen in your career. It’s a book for sure! xo
Oh my goodness that was AMAZING to read! You’re just incredible Denise. I’m SO happy our paths have crossed. I was thanking God for you yesterday (I’ll email you the details). I loved reading how well you have loved all the businesses and people along these 40 years. It’s what we all feel in your yoga trainings and I have no doubt that everyone else has felt it too. It’s inspiring. You’re the best!
Thank you Patty. I agree, sit was no coincidence that our paths crossed. I am so blessed to know you!
Denise, You really are incredible. I loved reading this. Thank you for being one of my most empowering teachers. Shine on!
Thank you Elisa. You have been on this road with me for many stops as well. I feel so lucky to know you and I am so glad we are still connected.
That was so fun to read about your adventures! You are a blessing to so many people.
Thank you Marcel. It has been a fun journey. Every day I pinch myself that I get to call this “work”!
Denise…you are an amazing woman & I feel fortunate to have had you in my fitness life (off & on) since She&Company) . You are the BEST!
Thank you Nancy! I am glad we have been on this road together too.
Inspiring story to always keep going and never give up. Loved the photos.
Thank you Melanie! Yes, never give up.
What a wonderful journey …. thank you for sharing. Your kindness and generosity always touch my heart although the photographs really made me smile. I love you, friend.
Haha. Yes the photos. I have a storage shed full of them! Love you too my friend. Here’s to many more miles together on this road!
Jane Fonda, Jazzercise , leg warmers and elastic belts are from my era and bring a smile
The best era!!
What a beautiful tribute to the most compassionate, loving, strong, determined and spiritual guru I know. I am blessed to have you come into my life when you did and what I learned has been profound. So much love and gratitude for you and your insight, fortitude and strength.
Kim! I am so glad you came along when YOU did! Our yoga times hold a special place in my heart and I look forward to many more with you!
Denise, I love this it was such a joy to hear about all that you have done and all the places you have been. I love hearing about how fitness has evolved for you. It reminded me a lot about my own journey especially when you shared you had a miscarriage right around the time you started yoga training. Yoga has been such a light in my life at a dark time and I’m so grateful to have shared this journey with you. Thank you for sharing your heart with us!!
Thank you Molly! Yes, we do have some parallel stories. I am so glad you joined when you did, and I am excited to help you celebrate your graduation!
Such a fun read and I am grateful I was able to meet you and take classes on Wasatch Blvd (I can’t remember the name of the club!) and a cycle training from you. I smiled reading about those that give you a WOOO in class that got you hooked. I felt the same as I taught my first classes. You are a legend Denise. I loved reading about what you have learned at the end. Less is more and keep motivating and instructing forever. ♥️♥️♥️
Was it The Cove? Yes, those woos are addictive. I appreciate your words, and yes, I plan to do this until I am 90! xo
I loved reading this Denise! It reminded me of my own journey and the ups & downs. Like you, I wore the side pony, had leg warmers, taught in bare feet and navigated the everchanging class styles. You are a kindred spirit and true inspiration. xoxo
Beth…YES! We came up together. So much fun to look back at all that has happened over these years. I am glad we have stayed in touch. xo
Hi, Denise, I really enjoyed getting to know you through this Memory Lane blog. I became aware of you when I had taken a 500 hour YTT with Mudita in 2016, which turned out to be not a good choice of trainings for me. Sadly, I shut down to the deep internal work that yoga can lead you through, and am now just trying to stay connected to a good yoga practice. (through a year of COVID and now working from home..single and eveyone gone, including 4 leggeds ( alot of loss) ). I really appreciate your sharing of when a door closes…. and to trust what is next, and to even feel upbeat about it. I will try on this way of looking during a time that feels stalled out in life. You have had quite a full life of profound experiences and ongoing connections, and obviously your heart has grown so huge, with beautiful awareness. Thank you for all that you do for all the communities! We love you, and are working out online with you~ Love, nj
Hi Nancy. I am so sorry to hear that the way we met ended up leading to not a good thing for you. But happy to hear that you are making your way back to yoga as you heal from what sounds like a long season of loss. I am happy to offer the yoga videos on YouTube and if you can ever join one of the live virtual classes I would love to see you there. Keep me updated as you look ahead, trust that there are connections for you on the road ahead.
Dear Denise🙏🏽
Loved hearing your story. You truly are an inspiration to me & countless others. So many gratitudes for all that you share.
Thank you for sharing your yoga light so brightly🙏🏽💛🌅
I am so grateful for you Gail. You have been with me through the toughest year of my career. You are so encouraging and always grateful. Thank you for being sunshine in my life.
You’re one of my faves, Denise! I’m happy to call myself a Denise Druce 24-Hour Fitness groupie, starting with back-to-back S.E.T and Cycle classes. I, seriously, miss those days! Thanks for helping me on my fitness and recovery journey!
Jennifer, Your story is one of my favorites. I loved watching you as you recovered and inspired so many people. I miss those back to back classes too!
So fun to read your story Denise! You are such an inspiring example of resilience, fortitude and authenticity. I’m so glad to have stumbled into your path! 🙂
Thank you Susan, I feel the same! Glad we met and shared some steps of this journey!
I took my first yoga class at a gym in the Triad Center about 20 years ago and started an off again on again love affair with yoga that has enhanced my life in more ways than I could ever have imagined all those years ago.
I have loved getting to know you and count the hours we spent together as one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.
Love you!❤️
Ahhh…you were there! It was a special place for sure. I am glad that life lined up for us to meet again this past year. You’re a gem Barbara.
Denise, this was so fun to read! We were at USU at the same time and I’m wondering why I didn’t get to your $1 classes! I’m glad our paths finally crossed in YTT:). I too, as a teenager worked out with Jane Fonda…and my mom! I’ve heard bits and pieces of your journey, but this was SO fun to get a summary of it from the start to the here and now…thanks for sharing! Thank you for all the good work you do in the world. 🙏
Man, how about that, maybe you did? I love that we share yoga now Cammy. What a trip!
Wow. What a great summary of all you’ve accomplished and the hurdles you’ve knocked to the side in your awesome way over the last 40 years. As I’ve told you before, your efforts and enthusiastic , positive, nonjudgmental, caring, energy changed my life and continue to inspire me and others to keep moving. Not a workout goes by without me actively thinking about or subconsciously using the things you’ve taught me over the last 25 years. My body and my mind thank you everyday. Thank you teacher. You’ve done your job well. Namaste.
Awe…thank you Rebecca. I am so glad we met all those years ago. Here’s to many more!
It’s been years. Sometime in the 90’s, I started working out at the Anatomy Academy. I was young, insecure, and in need of a space to feel connected to myself and others. You created an environment in A.A. that welcomed and encouraged people like me. As a member, I learned how to find strength in my body and mind. Thirty years later, I am training to ride in the LoToJa. Some of the greatest accomplishments in my life were made possible, in part, because of the seeds planted in that gym. I am left humbled and grateful for the foundation gifted to me there. Thank you for this opportunity to share my gratitude with you. Peace, strength, and health to you as you continue to shape the lives of others in beautiful and meaningful ways.
Rebecca, this makes me cry happy tears! LoToJa?! That is such a tough ride, and such a big milestone for you. Congratulations in advance. Thank you for commenting, and for validating that AA was a very special place indeed. I am glad you found those seeds and grew them into the athlete and person you are!
Denise, I am in AWE of you, And, In Sync 🙂 with you every leg warmer, boom box, shiny tight, Cycle class, Pro Form Performance, Forward Fold, and Physical Attitude 🙂 STEP of the way!! Your inspiration and mentoring has enhanced my life beyond words!
Thanks for the trip down memory lane and am SO proud to be a part of it! Its been an honor and priviledge to know, learn, and grow from you with a continued YES!
Group inhale and Sigh it out! Love you Forever, Sheri
Yes my friend, every step of the way. What a journey! But what were we thinking with those fanny packs???
Congratulations Denise! Hey what an accomplishment. You have always been such an inspiration to so many. I also follow in those years of fitness and yes I was still teaching that beloved step class up until the day covid changed all
Our life’s.. the clothing we used to wear still makes me smile❤️ Keep breathing smiling and spreading your good heart🥰 Love you friend😘 Thanks for the memories!
Yes, WE did have some good times together! And as I asked Sheri…what were we thinking with those fanny packs???
Thank you for this thumbnail sketch of your remarkable journey!
I can relate to your story , and your outfits, in many ways.
Where to start with your words that made me smile? How about the ones that gave me shivers?
..stand at the soft edge of the hard place” and “ go to my wounds” and “ the best teacher is you”.
I can’t wait to watch the Ted talk you mention!
You go girl.. and *keep* going!
Thank you for reading and commenting Tere Lee. I love that some words made you smile, and some made you shiver. It’s been a fun road!
I was only part of your step phase with Anatomy Academy. I remember those days fondly. Almost forgot about the old blue wooden boxes. Good times.
Good times indeed Karen. I miss you and all of those hours spent jumping and stepping.
You are incredible! I loved reading your story. I think my husband’s friend from high school was in one of the pictures! I have been participating in fitness my whole life and agree that moving every day is essential. I loved your yoga teacher training. I am teaching once a week at a local club and practice yoga every day.
Carolee! Who is your hubby’s friend? So funny. Small Lake City for sure. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Todd Huth.
Oh wow. I have not seen or heard from him in her 30 years! Do you know how he is or where he is?
Denise, I came to this email a little late, but I’m so glad I took the time to read it. Thank you for sharing your fitness journey! It was a very interesting read.
I agree with what you said at the end about Yoga getting too complex. It definitely intimidates away a large percentage of people, although it’s been complex from the beginning, in India. I think our job here in the states is to simplify it and make it accessible rather than trying to attain those crazy poses, at least in most public classes. More people need the basics, and everyone needs the benefits. I myself have been guilty of getting bored and adding too many whistles and bells, at times. Thanks for the reminder that it’s better not to get too complicated. Much love to you!
Dominique, you have always been so good at knowing what your students need and making your classes accessible. I miss being able to practice with you in that dark little room at the U.
What a great story! Leann and I are so grateful to have made your connection! I remember one day at 24 Hour doing the Stairmaster and some weights and not attending one of your yoga classes–which you came over and told me (gently, of course) that was not the right thing to do–and I never made that mistake again!……I’m still working on trying to touch my toes…..Thanks for everything!
Thanks David. I am so glad to know the two of you. Glad I pulled you off that Stairmaster!
Denise, Thanks for posting your fitness history and stirring memories in so many. I still have my Anatomy Academy card from 1992 and at eighty plus still get up a steep mtn bike trail with the personal mantra, “Denise says you can do it”.
Thanks Jim. You still have an AA card? That’s so great. I am so happy to hear that you are still pedaling up those hills. You continue to inspire me.
I’ve watched you grow and keep on going and growing through the years. Thank you for being there for hundreds and probably thousands of people whose lives have been made better because of you. I’ve seen you struggle and shine through almost 60 years. You’ve been a self starter and an amazing daughter. Thank you for always being there for me and many many more. I like be this journal entry. It’s a keeper for your mamasita. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Well now I know this is special if you call this “journal material”. Love you Mama!
Hey Denise. Megan sent me the link to this some time ago, and I have just now gotten around to reading your AMAZING story. Of course, I knew how inspiring and creative and determined you are even before I read this. Your journey through life is remarkable, and I’m so glad that you are a part of my life. Love you lady!
Thank you Scotty! I love that we have shared many of these times. xo
What a wonderful life! What a gift you are and have been to so many. I am so glad I was able to learn from you and get my YTT200. I look forward to many years of teaching and practicing what you have taught me.
Thank you my friend!
Thank you so much Stephanie. I know you will change many lives. You care so much, it’s inevitable.
I just read this to my twin sister Marcie. She happens to be a Yoga & fitness instructor.🙂
Our favorite part (which absolutely made us SMILE) was the “WOO!!” paragraph.
We certainly agree that a student letting out a “woo” during class is one of the best complements an instructor can receive. – We know they’re alive, breathing, enjoying themselves & willing to spread their energy & joy with the rest of the room. – Even instructors need cheerleaders!! 😉
Thank you for being a genuine cheerleader. – You certainly don’t need the BHS cheer skirt!
I love you! 💚💚💚
Thank you Gina. Yes, we don’t get paid much in dollars, but the WOO’s make up for it! Love you too.