Quiet friend who has come so far, feel how your breathing makes more space around you. Let this darkness be a bell tower and you the bell. As you ring, what batters you becomes your …
Don’t Take Yourself So Seriously
Have you ever heard of the 20-40-60 rule? It goes something like this. In our 20s and 30s we spend a LOT of time and energy working about what 'they' think. Even to the extent that so many women in …
The Facts of Life
The Facts of Life BY PÁDRAIG Ó TUAMA That you were born and you will die. That you will sometimes love enough and sometimes not. That you will lie if only to yourself. That you …
Don’t Wait
As we close out (yet another) crazy, unpredictable, I-don't-know-what-day-it-is year, I'd like to share one thing I have learned. Life is long. Don't wait to live it. So often we hear life is short. …
Today is Special
Holiday of the Grateful Heart by Danna Faulds I hereby decree this day to be the Holiday of the Grateful Heart, the perfect opportunity to appreciate and celebrate my life. May I see the whole …
What Are You Afraid Of
Here's a fun fact about me...I am terrified of the ocean. I love to see it, hear it, wade in it, and be by it. But I have a great fear of being IN it. I am a mountain girl, who likes my feet on solid …