Last night, as I laid in bed, listening to the rain, I thought about how lucky I am. I have a warm bed with a down comforter and lots of comfy pillows. I have a roof over my head and plenty of food to eat. I have a healthy body, and am surrounded by people I love, and who love me. It’s easy to overlook these basic things and take them for granted. To get caught up in busy-ness and look at what we don’t have. But today, I read this touching letter written by a 10 year old boy whose father lost his job. His family decided to focus on what they have, and to help others who have less. I am thankful to Ellis Moore for helping me to remember to say “thank you” today.
A night with the homeless
by: Ellis Moore (Age 10)
Every Saturday or Sunday night my family and I go out and feed the homeless people
in the city of Orlando. There are thousands of people across The United States with
out food or shelter. My family and I have been doing this for several months.
We wanted to see what it was like in the life of a homeless person. One special
thing I like to mention is, my family and I do not eat before we begin are journey.
So we know how it feels to be hungry. All of the areas we go to are very dangerous.
We go on streets such as, Orange blossom trail, Parramore, Gore street, Colonial
dr , and Down town Orlando.
We all get together in the kitchen and prepare the food. Some of the meals are
sandwiches and cookies and a bottled of water. Sometimes my mom prepares a
steaming hot delicious meal. We then bag them all up to feed 30 or more people.
I like to write a special notes on the bags like, “God loves you”. Before my
family And I get into the car we ask God for protection in a family prayer.
A lot of people misunderstand homeless people. Not all homeless people are
drug addicts or bad people some are really nice. Some of them just had bad
things happened to them.
At first when my family and I went out on the street we had to earn there trust.
Because a lot of people are mean to them for no good reason. But now that they
see us every week they trust us. We even know some of their names. We all have
to remember that these are people that have feelings. Some of them shake our
hands for giving them food, and thank us. Some of them do really funny dances
because they are happy.
We have become really close with this man named Tony and his wife. They have
all of their personal belongings in shopping carts. After meeting with them s
everal times he has told us a lot about his life. He graduated from collage
and has a PHD. He used to teach French and, Spanish. He graduated from Howard
After we get done feeding the homeless ,it makes me appreciate what I have at
home. Sometimes it makes me sad, and makes mom cry. I love feeding the homeless,
and making a difference in someone’s life.
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