A new year, a new decade. I know I speak for just about everyone I know when I say…Phew. Most of us feel like we’ve been dragged behind a bus and hit from all sides. This year, we experienced ‘stay-cations’ (a treat for everyone but the Moms), recessions, bailouts, Adam Lambert, and balloon boy. We mourned the loss of the King of Pop, and watched Lady Gaga with our jaws on the floor. But here we are, and I for one am optimistic. In my work, I get the privilege of seeing everyday people make themselves better, every day. Take this past week as an example:
On Monday, these five beautiful Mommies-To-Be were lifting, sweating and smiling in my Lift class. At a time when they could easily retire to the sofa for 40 weeks with chocolate chip cookie dough and Oprah, they choose to stay strong and healthy. Those lucky babies!
Jim, a long time friend and student, will turn 70 this year. And his goal? To tackle ‘Hero Hill’ on his mountain bike. No small feat. He regularly attends cycle classes, when he’s not enjoying winter sports in Utah. Even cooler, he works out with his daughter Betsy. What a role model.
I look around my classes and I see cancer survivors, spouses who are care takers, people battling depression, eating disorders and addiction. People going through divorce, people falling in love. People living with the pain of chronic injury. I see activists, parents, and best friends. They all inspire me and make me want to show up with something new each time. Something to show them the strength that lies inside of them. Something to help them recognize how powerful they really are, just by showing up.
YOU can be one of these people. YOU have a story and YOU have immeasurable strength inside of you. Show up. Don’t let the New Years resolution crowds scare you. Find a spot and start to move your body. Begin to see how being active and making a commitment to your health is the key to unlocking your full potential. I look forward to seeing you in the gym soon…new year, new decade, new YOU!
Thank you for your amazing and inspiring words. I feel so blessed to have you as a friend. I look forward to a fun, hardworking and goal accomplishing year knowing that I can count on you for your unconditional support. Thanks for being you.
You are such a talented writer. I always enjoy how you put words together and the inspirational message aint bad either! angela